Take 2 minutes to send a letter to decision makers asking them for more PATH trains on weekends and off-peak and extending the network to Newark Airport.


We need volunteers for canvassing at PATH stations to reach our goal of 10,000 signatures! Weekly shifts on Saturdays are available.


Broad Community Support

📝 Riders are speaking up!

A record-breaking 4,000 people have signed petitions and written letters for improved PATH service! 

🛍 Businesses are speaking up!

Business leaders are speaking up for better PATH service and its benefits for for small and large businesses, for their workers, for visitors and tourists, and for our regional economy — including the Hudson County Chamber of Commerce!

🗽🏛 Elected Officials in New Jersey see you and are championing transit improvements! Thank them back!

March 2025 Update

You Asked For More PATH Trains… now what?

Over 4,000+ riders like you have signed the petition asking their elected representatives and the Port Authority to commit to more frequent off-peak trains and to extend the line directly to Newark Airport (EWR).

The good news, Port Authority leadership has taken notice of our campaign and committed to improving service thanks to you: "We’ll take all [4000+ petition] requests under advisement. There has been a sea change in PATH investments and you’ll hear more about it in March.”

PATH Invited Our Campaign to Meet With Them

In response to community input, the Port Authority shared that they have already made the following changes to service this year:

  • Adding extra “bonus trains” from EXP-WTC to relieve overcrowding on peak days

  • Extending 20-minute service to 2AM on Saturday night/Sunday mornings, on 33rd<-->JSQ.

  • And thanks to you, we're now meeting with the Port Authority directly to find more positive solutions going forward.

  • We are asking for more quick wins (in addition to more frequent off-peak trains and a direction connection to EWR) such as:

  • More “bonus trains” on weekends to reduce overcrowding and wait times

  • Ensuring trains run on schedule, and not 2-5 minutes early so that riders can plan their routes around accurate train schedules.

Your Continued Support!

We've achieved so much, but our work isn’t over yet - we won’t stop until we achieve permanent PATH wins. We need YOU to help us maintain this momentum.


Get involved & stay up to date several ways:

Spread the Word

Share our letter-writing petition with other riders on the PATH trains and platforms, and ask them to sign on! Print this flyer with a QR that directs people to our petition.

Social Media

Share your PATH experiences and amplify our campaign story on social media using our posts:

Donate to Support Our Mission!

This is a volunteer-run campaign – funding will help us hire permanent staff to advocate more strongly. Support our work - donate or become an HCCS Member for as little as $5/month

Every contribution, big or small, helps us continue fighting for A Better PATH and other transit and safe streets projects in Hudson County and the NY/NJ region.


photo of buses stuck in traffic as approaching the lincoln tunnel

Buses stuck in traffic entering the Lincoln Tunnel. By extending the hours of the dedicated Express Bus Lanes on weekends and off-peak, more people can travel quickly into Manhattan while reducing traffic congestion overall.

In recent years the Port Authority has made commendable capital investments into improving the PATH, including new trains, critical maintenance, and a new digital payments system. But despite ridership returning to pre-pandemic levels, the PATH is not meeting the broader region's transportation needs. We’re asking for two key improvements:

1. Frequent Off-Peak Service

The PATH runs every 20-40 minutes on weekends, weeknights and midday weekdays, despite ridership returning to pre-pandemic levels. This creates dangerous overcrowding on stations, delays and missed connections for riders.

The PATH should run every 5 minutes off-peak. This is feasible, as it runs every 2 minutes in rush hour.

2. Extend to Newark Airport

The Port Authority’s proposed $3.5B AirTrain is far over budget and does not provide the service our region needs.  The PATH ends 3 miles from EWR, and riders must still transfer to NJ Transit and the AirTrain to reach the airport.  

The PATH should extend directly to Newark Airport for a fast, direct, affordable one-seat ride for travelers, airport workers and Newark residents, to reduce reliance on taxis and automobiles, and to reduce congestion at Newark Airport. An extension to the airport would also provide much better transit access for residents and workers in South Newark traveling to New York and Jersey City and to the airport.

In addition to these two core improvements, we also ask for:

  • Extending the Lincoln Tunnel Express Bus Lanes (XBL) to 24/7 operation, and

  • Developing comprehensive transit alternatives in preparation for congestion pricing