WHAT: Rally against the Turnpike Expansion in Bayonne
WHEN: Tuesday, May 28, 2024 | Rally @ 5:00 PM | “Listening Session” @ 6:30 PM
WHERE: Woodrow Wilson School #10, 101 W 56th Street, Bayonne, NJ 07002
HOW: RSVP to Join Us and for More Details
GETTING THERE: By Bus or Light Rail
From downtown Jersey City take the 81x from Grove Street
JSQ/West Side/Heights folks can take the 10/119
The closest Light Rail Station to the school is 45th Street Station
We need to show up in force to the NJ Turnpike Authority's "Listening Session" in Bayonne to show Governor Murphy and the Turnpike Authority that this is the wrong project for Hudson County – and the wrong way to spend our transportation dollars.
Despite the massive amount of funds proposed for spending on this project, the Turnpike Authority has yet to hold a public hearing on the project. In February they held a “listening session” in Newark where the public could view displays about the project but there was no opportunity to comment on the record.
This $11B highway boondoggle will double the number of cars coming into Bayonne, Jersey City, and Canal Street. This is a detriment to our community, our noise and air quality, and a massive waste of money. The Turnpike Authority had many other alternatives to fix the bridge or just build a replacement, but they pursued the most expensive and the most environmentally damaging option with. They haven’t invited public input or comment into this process at all.
Read this clear-eyed editorial by Hoboken Mayor Bhalla to learn more about why so many local elected officials are opposed to this project.
Please RSVP so we can send you details. We expect supporters of the project to be there, so we need a big turnout to make our voices heard loud and clear!